Jeff Smallwood Photography
5 posts from December 2011     [clear date filter]
Welcome to Pig Island
Dec 23, 2011
 Nestled between Fowl Cay and Staniel Cay in the Exuma Islands, Bahamas, lies the spot affectionately named "Pig Island".

Years ago (I never found out exactly when) someone released pigs on the island which measures only about 1.5 km in size. The pigs have multiplied and survived over the years and are now quite the local attraction.

On Alien Shores
Dec 20, 2011
I took 30 pictures at this spot, waiting for just the right wave to crash and roll onto the rocks. And 29 times I failed to capture the image I had in my head. I kept "chimping", hoping to see the right image and was luckily rewarded.
Lost and Found
Dec 14, 2011
 When you shoot alone, straining to capture a "vision", the quiet, peaceful environment can take your mind places you wouldn't normally go. I think sometimes a poem helps to fully express the photographer's intent.
Sticks and Stones
Dec 13, 2011
 When I shoot during sunrises and sunsets I usually pay closest attention to the colors and expose for the sky. Bringing out those rare colors and cloud shapes can be a challenge and certainly makes for some beautiful photos. However, over the last year I've also grown to appreciate the structure, contrasts, and unique shapes that emerge from the environment when the light is coming at such a low angle. Regardless of colors, shooting for a longer exposure can bring a scene to life in a way that our eyes don't immediately see.
My Largest Panorama
Dec 3, 2011
Full moon illumination, this was taken on the north east shore of Staniel Cay, in the Exuma Islands of the Bahamas. The specs are huge on this file and it brought my laptop to its knees.